
Early Years Classes

The early years of a child’s life, full of wonder and joy, are also the most critical years of development. The Waldorf School Orange County Early Years program offers children a rich environment for exploration and play, and provides parents support in cultivating a healthy home life and a solid foundation from which children can learn. A loving community and solid foundation for learning are created through weekly meetings with like–minded parents and an experienced Early Childhood Waldorf teacher.

Childhood is beautiful and we help parents recognize the simple joys and teachable moments as they begin the lovely journey of parenthood!

The beauty of the changing seasons will create a natural rhythm as we move through the year with songs, verses, activities and stories. Play is the heart of the young child, and children will have the opportunity to explore this world of play in the beauty of a classroom and garden designed especially for them.

Here, children are able to splash in the puddles, dig in the mud, and dance in the sunshine!


“Play is the highest form of research.”
ーAlbert Einstein

Children come and…

Explore a child-friendly environment that is safe, challenging and emotionally nurturing with simple play materials.

Delight in the special attention given to support their unfolding interests, motor abilities, and problem-solving skills.

Experience social interaction in play that stimulates their speech and language development.

Engage with other children in their stage of development, while expanding social capacities.
Parents come and…

Experience an environment that encourages the valuable exchange of ideas and information, and provides a framework for why Waldorf works.

Explore the value of observation to see and understand what their children are doing and how they are learning as they play.

Delight in the joy of sharing songs and games with your child that support their speech and language development. Meet other parents and find a community of sharing and support.

Discover new tips for parenting and caregiving.

“Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact with the world around them.”

Click here for our 2024-2025 Waldorf Early Years brochure


Playgroup & Bridge Classes

Playgroup and Bridge classes at the Waldorf School Orange County provide a door to literacy through story and circle with movement, song and verse.

Daily Rhythm for Playgroup and Bridge

Free Play

The children enjoy free play while the parents and caregivers work nearby in purposeful activity and enjoy discussion with one another. This is an ideal time to observe your child at play! If you have a handwork project from home (such as sewing, knitting, mending), we welcome you to bring this along to work on as well.

Welcome Circle

During our circle and story time, we journey from fall into spring through verse and song. This is a special time to enjoy being with your child, undistracted by your housework, phones, and other tasks.

Snack Time

We begin with a blessing and enjoy warm snacks which the parents help to prepare, such as brown rice and peas. Snacks are homemade and use organic and local ingredients when possible. We follow this activity with dishwashing.

Outdoor Free Play

We go outside, rain or shine, into our beautiful garden to play.

Closing Circle

We finish each class with a verse and warm goodbyes.

Playgroup Program Schedule

Bridge Program Schedule

Bridge age requirements: 3 years by Dec. 1

Bridge Schedule



Tuition Fees/Yearly

Choose one day


11:00am – 1:00pm




11:00am – 1:00pm




8:45am – 10:45am


Age requirements: 18 months to 3 years

Playgroup ClassesDayTimeTuition Fees
Choose one dayTuesday8:45am- 10:45am$400
 Wednesday8:45am – 10:45am$400

8:45am – 10:45am; 

11:00am – 1:00pm


Fall Session 2024: Sept. 9 – Nov. 15*

Winter Session 2024-25: Dec. 2 – Feb. 28*

Spring Session: March 10 – May 30*

*Classes follow our holiday schedule

$400/session or $1,000 for all three sessions purchased in advance. Fees are non-refundable.

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Recommended Reading

Beyond the Rainbow Bridge

is an award-winning book that belongs on the nightstand of every parent with young children. Full of everyday wisdom for busy parents, this treasure of a book is for all caregivers who value imaginative play, the necessity of daily routine, and the benefit of creative discipline. Co-authors Barbara J. Patterson and Pamela Bradley offer realistic suggestions for creating a healthy family life that can be incorporated into any lifestyle.

Simplicity Parenting

Today’s busier, faster, supersized society is waging an undeclared war…on childhood. As the pace of life accelerates to hyperspeed, with too much stuff, too many choices, and too little time – children feel the pressure. They can become anxious, have trouble with friends and school, or even be diagnosed with behavioral problems. Now, in defense of the extraordinary power of less, internationally renowned family consultant Kim John Payne helps parents reclaim for their children the space and freedom all kids need, allowing their children’s attention to focus and their individuality to flourish.

Both books are available for purchase at our school store, The Company of Angels.


Please come in and experience the warmth of “The Company of Angels” – Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Open to the public. All proceeds benefit the school. The summer hours for The Company of Angels are Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Playgroup and Bridge classes meet once a week and are designed to include parents and children together. The WSOC Nursery Program is a drop-off program designed for two and three year old children. Families choose a two, three or five-day drop off schedule for Nursery. Two Day: Thursday and Friday; Three Day: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday; Five Day: Monday-Friday.

Early Years refunds are available through the end of the first week of each session and will be 100% of the total fee.

Yes! See Playgroup information above.

No problem! We recognize that there are going to be days when you are not able to make it. Since our curriculum is play-based, there are not concerns about missing a class. It is the overall rhythm of attendance that is important. There are no “make-up” days offered.

If there is space remaining in an Early Years class, we welcome a new student at a pro-rated fee.

The teacher will post a calendar with holidays and school closure dates. This is available on our website and will also be included in your class roster for your reference.

Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten applications are available in October prior to the year of desired entry. Early Childhood applications are due in early January each year. Please visit the How to Apply section of our website for more information.

Why not begin by joining us for an all school tour? These Walk Through the Grades tours are offered throughout the school year. To RSVP –

Registration/fees/refund questions, as well as  application to Pre-K and long-term program planning questions are directed to  Brooke Natzke, Director of Admissions: – (949) 574-7775 x206.

Your child/classroom conduct/suggestions are directed to Holly Richards:

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